Stuffed Vegetables
These stuffed vegetables are great served as a snack, or a starter. If you are looking for some better presentation, garnish with some lemon wedges and herbs.
Daily Motivation – Nov 11
Keep trying new things. Keep dreaming. Keep creating. Along the way, you’ll learn an incredible amount.
Marinated Fruits in a Melon Basket
This is a really attractive fresh fruit dessert presented in a melon basket, with the fruits being marinated in elderflower cordial to add another dimension to their flavour.
Daily Motivation – Nov 8
If you are drawn to a hobby, an activity or a cause, there’s a reason. You don’t need to convince others to do it with you. Just give it a go.
5 minute Yoga exercises
Anyone that tells you yoga isn’t dangerous doesn’t know what he or she is talking about.
Paper Plate Dream Catcher
There is something so fun about a dream catcher, but making a real one by hand with wax string, feathers, and a metal hoop can be tricky.