Make your own Wind Chime
While clearing out a junk drawer you might find a few old keys that are no longer useful, and if this is the case then you can make a beautiful, simple craft with them.
Organising the Kids Craft Area
Frustration was fast building when I began digging through a massive pile of textas only to find that the vast majority were dried out.
Cleaning Your Home With Essential Oils
On a scale of 1-10 of things I most hate doing, cleaning the house is pretty much top of the list.
Summer Drink Cart
I know it’s time to put my thinking cap on again when my girls start to ask me what we’ll be doing for their big sister’s upcoming birthday.
Your Own Private Picasso: What To Do with Kid’s Art?
Something awesome and terrible just happened: Friends of ours just bought a painting that our eight year-old daughter made.
They were being nice. -
Watercolour Monogram Kids Craft
The watercolour monogram is an easy kid’s craft that will spark the imagination and engage the creative juices. Watch in wonder as the colour seeps across the page in abstract patterns.