
Daily Motivation – Jan 28


Be the person who throws bright colourful energy into a room.

Be the person who throws bright colourful energy into a room. These are the people we instantly gravitate to simply because they make us feel good. They smile, they laugh and they remember to wish people a lovely day. They remember to say hello in the morning to all their colleagues. They aren’t just the kooky people who do crazy, fun things all the time. They are also the people who know when to be a good friend and just listen. Sometimes that colour comes in the form of a hug from a child when you’ve had a hard day. For me, it came last night when my daughter sat at the dinner table and decided to start telling us why we are great parents. And all her sisters joined in! That brightened my day! Sometimes it’s flashing a smile at a stranger on a crowded bus or asking a cashier how her day has been. It doesn’t take a lot of effort but it sure has a lot of impact. Choose to make the world more colourful!
